


Decorative fire

For decorative fireplace and slow burning wood stoves start-up

1- Place 2 or 3 logs (depending on your fireplace size) crossed to allow good air circulation;

2- Place a fire starter or a starter log between the logs;

instructions bûches écologiques
instructions bûche écologique


3- Turn it on and let it start for a few minutes;

instructions bûches écologiques
instructions bûche écologique
instructions bûche écologique

4- When flames intensity decreases, add 1 to 3 logs, leaving space between them for good air circulation.



For slow burning wood stoves

1- Follow steps 1 to 3 of decorative fire to obtain a nice ember;

2- Reduce the air intake to minimize the airflow;


3- Once the desired temperature is reached, place 2 new logs close to one another to minimize air circulation between the logs;

instructions bûches écologiques instructions bûches écologiques

4- To continue the heating, add 1 to 3 logs closely together to minimize air circulation.

Storage advice

Store your Mirabûches firewood in a dry place protected from the weather. With their convenient packaging, our logs are storable inside. Moreover, unlike conventional logs, our logs have no insect and very low humidity.





    • Mirabûches cannot be held responsible for damage resulting from misuse of our products, improper installation of your heating system, abuse, lack of maintenance, overheating, neglect or accident during transportation.
    • The instructions above are general nature and are suitable for most heating systems. However, combustion systems, particularly new combustion stoves, catalytic devices or body of masonry heaters, may require special techniques which are described in your manufacturer’s manual. The user should comply with the instructions for heating equipment.
    • Please note that each stove and fireplace is different and may produce different temperatures. We recommend that you follow the steps above by testing the air inlet to find the most appropriate combination for your facility.
    • Never leave a fire unattended.